Athens Coffee Festival, the biggest celebration of coffee, returns to Technopolis, Gazi September 23-25 and Coffee Island couldn’t miss it! We are waiting for you at booth #49 to see everything they brought with them.

Delight at MAX – Waste at Zero

Whether you choose coffee or chocolate, the cup is part of the pleasure. With care and devotion to the environment, at Coffee Island, we serve the drinks in a delicious cookie-dessert cup so that not a crumb is left.

And if it’s not enough for you…

We got something extra, as it’s obvious that a cookie cup will whet your appetite. Muffins, donuts, croissants and cakes. The decision is yours. And you should definitely eat something as we have a lot to talk about!

Do your TAPs too

You like to win with every purchase. That’s why My Rewards Tap Me loyalty programme came to all our stores and offers you a free coffee after 10 visits. Try it at our booth and see what it’s like to collect points and be rewarded for every visit and/or order!

And for the afternoon

We will be waiting for you to continue our conversation by tasting small surprises and ending the day spectacularly. Like our Coffee Cold Brew Beer, a delicious iced coffee beer, and cool spartan cocktails, with rich aromas of mint leaves, lime peels and fruits.

Don’t leave empty handed

But who goes to a festival and leaves empty-handed? All the products of Coffee Island Grindery will also be there. Along with t-shirts, coffee sack bags, home barista products, reusable mugs and thermos you will find a big surprise – a skincare product. The first lip moisturizer made from coffee waste. Everything will be there to complement the most perfect coffee party atmosphere.

Share it, or it didn’t happen

Such big coffee parties must be etched in our memory (but also on our social media, we don’t lie), at the Coffee Island booth you will find a fantastic 360 degree video booth, equipped with all the appropriate travel props, to capture with your friends every moment!

Let’s meet up

For three days, all coffee lovers meet in Technopolis, Gazi and participate in a festival dedicated to the cup that gives flavor to our every day.