Coffee is a habit of taste and character!

People drink coffee

What does coffee mean to you? This is a question you may ponder on for some time, at least in Greece, as to many of us here, when we think of Coffee, it conjures up many associations. A lot of us associate coffee with our morning routine, a basic part of our daily life and many of us imagine moments of pleasure when we think of coffee.

In any case, if you are a coffee aficionado, you will agree that you do not seek coffee only for the taste but also for all these small and big feelings linked to this valuable habit. Everyone, of course, has their own reasons why their favourite drink is an essential part of their routine. Because if you think about it, the coffee you choose is an extension of your personality, your way of thinking and ultimately the way you live – and you know very well that you can’t live without it! The moments associated with coffee divide coffee lovers into different types. Here are some of them:

The – before-I- open-my-eyes-in-the-morning- type

This type is a big category of its own. Whether it is before going to work, or after a late night of studying and before going to school early, this persona cannot start the day without the aroma of their favorite coffee reaching their nose. This person will make sure they have their coffee in the morning even if it results in them having to frantically run to catch their bus to work or university. Without the eye-opening effect of their coffee, they would most likely not even see the oncoming bus. Warning: do -NOT- talk to this person before he/she has coffee!

People smiling with coffee in their hands

The –Let’s-go-for-a coffee-to-have-a chat- type

The espresso gives its way to large delectable mugs of hot double cappuccino, a latte or, at worst, an Americano, since this type of person needs quite an amount of coffee to accompany the chit-chat. This type of coffee drinker can usually be found in pairs, because the best chit-chat – let’s be honest, “catching up” always ends up in light, polite gossip – takes place between two persons to ensure confidentiality. The truth is that this type of person really enjoys the taste of coffee because it’s associated with moments away from work and, of course, with the company of a good friend.

People smiling with coffee in their hand.

The –  I-definitely-need-a-coffee-after-lunch – type

Let’s come to terms with this: midday siestas are a thing of the past. In modern daily life, the post-lunch rest or better yet, getting some rest after the lunch or event better, post-lunch break stimulation goes through the coffee machine at home, at the office or at the Espresso Bar of a Coffee Island shop. After the last bite, just as you are about to indulge in the sweetness of physical and mental relaxation, you realize that the system needs to kick-start again for a few more hours. This kind of person has a way of doing that restart and even turning the need into a treat. With the first sip of their favorite coffee you’ll see their change in mood and their readiness to take what the rest of the day throws at them. Working at the office? Working at home? Studying for school? Just name it!

coffee lover


The take-away-coffee type

You’ll see them walking around everywhere with a takeaway coffee. No matter what this person is carrying, no matter how the weather is, no matter how far they have to travel, they always have one hand dedicated to their coffee. This is not a necessity. It is a pleasure. It’s this habit that keeps this person company while on business or pleasure. It’s like holding the hand of a good friend who keeps him/her company while on a walk, shopping, or outside running errands that absolutely must be done. Each sip is a friendly pat on the back, a poke, a smiley emoji, call it what you will. This coffee type, however, as soon as they leave the house they first stop by a Coffee Island shop to order “a take away coffee please!”

Person walks with coffee in his hand

Ο weekend-coffee-joy type

For this person, the weekend is a sacred break from the daily routine and it is not to be interrupted by anything. Coffee has its own place among the little rituals that make this coffee lover enjoy the weekend. Besides, when you’re relaxed, the taste becomes even more enjoyable. The weekender is everywhere in front of you, giving lessons of joy. You’ll see them sipping their favorite beverage while reading a newspaper or a book, or strolling by the sea sipping a freddo espresso. They don’t need anything else apart from good company and their favorite coffee. This coffee lover knows how to have a good time and it shows!


coffee lover

You can surely recognize yourself in one of these types. If not, then congratulations!  You’re in a league of your own and that’s not a bad thing at all.  After all, coffee is a unique pleasure for unique people!