Categories: General Articles

Bitter chocolate, authentic dark chocolate

Our authentic dark chocolate, now in a cup…

True. Intense. Bitter.

Its devotees are familiar with its exceptional quality. Besides, its high cocoa concentration makes for an extra chocolatey flavor and a delightfully strong aroma!

It only takes one cup to overflow with the warm feeling emerging from this chocolatey drink with explosive flavor.

For us, one thing is certain!

Enjoying this specialty bitter chocolate will boost your mood! It’s as great an excuse as any to share moments with loved ones and has a positive effect on psychological wellbeing as it reduces anxiety and stress. A mouth-watering comfort food, low in sugar!

Becoming a favorite indulgence…

If today you find yourself on your sofa enjoying a hot beverage of bitter chocolate, it’s thanks to the Aztecs and the Mayans. As, when they discovered cocoa seeds, they also discovered the healing and pleasurable properties of this beverage.

Such properties were so unique that when Spanish explorers came across this strange flavor, they decided to keep the discovery of the “food of Gods” a secret. At first enjoyed without milk and just a bit of sugar, it quickly became the most enjoyable beverage of the Spanish court for almost a century! It was only when the daughter of Philip III of Spain got married to French King Louis XIII that chocolate took the leading role among the pleasures of European aristocrats.

And for good reason!

The until-then-unknown intense flavor of chocolate, took their breath away! From Mexico and Central America, it traveled to Spain, France and then throughout Europe. By 1800, it was established as everyone’s favorite beverage!

Bitter chocolate isn’t a guilty pleasure, it’s pure pleasure.

Today, many researchers insist this is a healthy snack! In fact, they claim it improves blood circulation, reduces the risk of a stroke, benefits the skin and the list goes on…

For those who can’t resist. 

We created a specialty beverage, high in quality ingredients, so you can enjoy it without hesitation and without having to worry about calories! Its high cocoa concentration and low sugar level preserve its chocolate taste unaltered.

It’s why you love it!


Want to immerse yourself in the intense chocolatey aromas of bitter chocolate like you did back in the day with mom’s hot cocoa? You can order dark chocolate which will get delivered to you from your nearest store. Or make it according to your personal preferences, ordering from our coffee roaster! Get swept away by the chocolatey aromas preparing in your kitchen and enjoy its taste in your home.

And don’t forget…

With our deep knowledge of chocolate, we invite you to taste its bitter side. Discover it at our coffee roaster and let it transport you to a world where intense flavor is synonymous with relaxation!


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